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VXDIAG Device Connected to VX Manager Prompts Not Connected

Problem description: The VXDIAG device is connected to the computer via USB, but the client VX MANAGER cannot find the device. When the network adapter page is opened, it is found that the device is connected and the device IP is correct (192.168.8.* **).

First, from the network connection, the network card has been connected to the device.vxdiag-connected-to-vx-manager-prompts-not-connected-2
The device IP is correct 192.168.8.*** (Note: the device’s network IP address is selected to automatically obtain the IP address).


1. Change the device connection method to USBLAN connection.


2. If the client is set to USBLAN and still cannot connect to the device, please open the computer device management to see if the device network card driver in the network adapter is abnormal (as shown in the figure). If it is abnormal, please uninstall the network card and refresh it in the device management.


3. If the network card, client and device management cannot find the device, please check whether the computer’s WIFI connection has the device’s WIFI signal “DOIP-VCI-****”. If not, return the device for repair.


For more technical services, please visit www.vxdiagshop.eu.

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