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VXDIAG DoIP Firmware Recovery Guide

If the DoIP system does not boot due to abnormal reasons, you can try to restore the DoIP firmware. This post will guide you on how to do it.

Please note that this process only works on devices that include DoIP systems such as VCX-DoIP and VCX-SE.

Conditions for judging DOIP system abnormalities:
25 seconds after the device started, the second buzzer “beep” was not heard.
25 seconds after the device is powered on, the wireless LED does not light up or flash.
25 seconds after the device started, the device was not found when searching for the wireless network: DoIP-VCI-XXXX.
25 seconds after the device starts, VX Manager cannot connect and read device information.

Step 1. Enter firmware recovery mode
With the device disconnected from all connections (no power), follow these steps to enter firmware recovery mode:

VCX-DoIP enters firmware recovery mode:

① Use a needle-like tool to insert into the recovery hole and press without releasing.
② Connect the USB device to the computer and turn it on again.


VCX-SE enters firmware recovery mode:

① Press and hold down the Fn recovery button.
② Connect the USB device to the computer and turn it on again.


Note: Release the button when you hear the relay switching sound continuously and the LED flashes.

Step 2. Open the firmware recovery page

Open your browser and enter the following URL:


Step 3. Select firmware file
The default DoIP firmware files are located at the following path:
C:\Program Files\VCX\Manager\download\openwrt.bin
If the file does not exist, it can be downloaded at:

Click [Select File] to open the firmware file selection dialog box, select the [openwrt.bin] file, and click [Update firmware] to start restoring the DoIP firmware.


Step 4. Firmware recovery complete
The reset process will take approximately 1 minute and your device will automatically reboot when finished.


After completing the above process, open VX Manager. If you can successfully connect the device and get the device information, the device reset is successful.


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